The reasons, given below, are why we think a Neighbourhood Plan for Charlton is needed.
A Plan, when adopted, will:
- ensure local people have a genuine say in the future of Charlton, and for local planning guidance to be shaped by the community;
- recognise the value of the area’s heritage, culture, community and education;
- develop long-term, sustainable communities, that work on a local, human scale;
- encourage high quality building design that enhances the local urban realm, and uniqueness of our area;
- incorporate the principles of the Charlton Riverside Masterplan, while providing more detailed guidance, such as on building heights, location, design and massing;
- build for the community, both existing and new, to take into account the needs of the people living in the neighbourhood;
- get the right type of infrastructure (roads, footpaths, cycle lanes, schools, health centres, shops, playgrounds, etc) in place;
- work with the existing business community to ensure that their value is recognised, protected and developed;
- ensure that proposals for new development are managed through meaningful engagement with stakeholders;
- be formally consulted on development proposals at an early stage, to steer good development to successful conclusions;
- prevent the Council and the local community from being unduly dictated to by the financial targets of big developers. We want more housing, but not at any cost; and
- hold the Council to account if it fails to represent the community.