Forum Committee

Charlton Forum elects new Committee Members, including Officers, every year at its Annual General Meeting. For 2024 there are 18 Committee Members, four of which are the Officers. The Committee meets at least four times a year and progresses the work of Charlton Forum.

The current Committee and Officers were elected at the 2023 AGM on Saturday 25th November at Charlton House. The Committee is:
Officers: Clare Loops (Chair), Ruth Dodson (Vice Chair), Paul Chapman (Secretary), Helen Brown (Treasurer)
Committee: Rakie Ayola, Jane Bland, Philip Connolly, George Galbraith, David Gardner, David Gayther, Suzanne Hunt,
Carol Kenna, Jane Lawson, Rick Newman, Dave Picton, Meera Nayyar, Lakshan Saldin, Brenda Taggart

Please find below previous Committee Minutes

Minutes of Charlton Forum Committee Meetings


To be added